Introducing EVA Story

A New Dimension in Production Logging

Making Post Production Easier, Affordable, and Faster.


EVA Story simplifies post-production with an intuitive, user-friendly interface. Its responsive web app allows users to log, edit, and manage production data from anywhere, making complex tasks like logging timecodes and tagging clips accessible and straightforward.


EVA Story offers a cost-effective solution by reducing the need for expensive hardware and software. Its real-time logging and tagging capabilities save on labour costs, while the efficient workflow minimises editing and revision hours, providing high-quality results within budget.


EVA Story enhances efficiency with real-time processing and sharing of logs, stories, schedules and notes. This allows the post-production team to stay ahead, with instant access to immediate feedback, significantly reducing project turnaround time and meeting tight deadlines effortlessly.

Latest Technology

EVA Story employs latest technological developments to allow content producers and directors the ability to deliver their logs, notes and thoughts while in the field to the post production teams in real-time.

Adding value to users across any production

Any logging system is only as good as the information that is inputted into it, the better the initial log the easier it is to find. More detail can be added to logs after the moment or in different phases of production.

EVA Story accommodates all users across the production allows

  • Entire post team to be ahead of the game throughout the production.
  • DIT crews can immediately prioritise vital or tagged shots for use.
  • Editors can reference EVA Story to compile storylines and search content logs easily and effectively for producers.

Easy To Use Interface

This logging is done simply and quickly on a responsive Web App on their laptop, workstation or mobile phone anywhere in the world.

A simple to use user interface (UI) allows every user to follow, add and edit takes and logs while compiling edits, all linked to the live timecode on recorders.

Custom Fit For Your Production

Everything in EVA Story is designed to allow productions to enter the users, specific information, log tags, locations and gear as are required to make the production run smoothly.

All users need is a simple log in username and password and internet connection.

EVA story works in the cloud so you will never lose your logs and important info entered, the entered data is updated immediately so everyone can follow from anywhere at the same time.


By default EVA Story is linked to worldwide GPS time so even on ENG shoots as long as cameras are sync’d to time of day your log will be close enough for editors to identify and use takes instantaneously.


EVA Story allows clients to log timecode, naming protocols of clips, tag characters, moments, occasions - almost anything they need. All tags can be pre loaded and added as productions develop.

Tag Watch

Users can setup their own Tag watch to keep up to date with realtime logs coming from set. All Tags are custom and searchable. Standard & Advanced users are able to export tag watch reports.


Organise your logs into stories, effortlessly tracking them through the production cycle. Editors can easily access and start editing based on the story outline, knowing exactly where to find the footage and on which day it was shot.


Create shooting schedules for your team, bringing everyone onto the same page. Add key contacts, call times, automated weather information based on the shoot location and a detailed schedule.

Quick Production Setup

Want to start using EVA Story today? No problem, setting up a new production is quick and easy.

Training & Tips

Someone from Brave Channels will be available to on-board you and your production into EVA Story. Basic training is also available for first time clients and any users they’d like on the platform. This training doesn’t take more than an hour and will leave all the users feeling confident with what to do.

Flexible Billing

EVA Story has flexible billing based on the number of members in your production. We offer a discount for quarterly and annual subscriptions.

Billing Calculator

undefined (US$NaN per user)



Once a new project is created and a billing company is assigned, it will be invoiced in the currency and for the duration of your choosing. As you add users to the system, billing will be calculated based on the number of users.

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